Video narration

Add a video narration to any thread to provide that extra context for your teammates.


Add a video narration to any thread you write. Video narration is a great way to provide that additional context for your team so you can skip the meeting or make it easier to work across timezones.

You can view a video narration in presentation mode or when you're viewing the thread itself.

Add video narration

Add a video narration to any thread you write.

To add a video narration:

  1. Go to the thread you want to add it to

  2. Click the ... at the top of the thread

  3. Select Record narration

Start recording your narration. You'll be able to re-record any specific block so you don't need to start over and record the entire narration if you want to re-record a specific part.

Edit video narration

Because of the block format, the video narration is recorded block by block. So, while it's easy for you to record an entire thread progressing through each block, it's also easy to edit the recording on a specific block and keep going (or start from the beginning!).

To edit a video narration:

  1. Go to the thread where you want to record a video narration

  2. Click the ... at the top of the thread

  3. Select Record narration

  4. As you start recording, if there is a block you want to re-record or if you want to start over, hover over the camera view

  5. Select Restart current block or Restart from beginning

View video narration

If the author recorded a video narration for a thread, you can press play on any thread or specific block to view the video.

When you click play on a specific block of a thread, the video will start playing directly from that block so you can get that specific context without needing to watch the entire video.