
Your inbox is where to get an overview of your notifications and to triage through them.


Because each thread is a distinct conversation, we created an inbox workflow to help you triage your threads as efficiently as possible.

Threads uses an "act to dismiss" model, similar to email, where you need to take an action on a notification to remove it from your inbox. The actions you can choose between are Done and Do Later.


To enter the triage mode, go to Inbox and click on any of the threads.

To triage through each thread, either mark it as done if you're done with it or do later if you want to follow up on it later.

You'll set a specific time when you want to follow up on the thread in your Inbox.


The keyboard shortcut to mark a thread as done is d

When you mark a thread as Done, it will be moved to the Done tab in your inbox. You'll be able to access all of the threads that you've marked as done from this tab.

Follow ups

The keyboard shortcut to mark something for follow up isf. You'll be able to select a time when you want to receive a notification to remind you to follow up on the thread.

When you mark a thread as Do Later, it will be moved to the Follow up tab in your inbox. You'll be able to access all of the threads that you've marked for follow up from this tab.